We're glad you're here, and invite you to linger. As you scan our pages, we hope you catch the
Spirit of our place, our people, and our land. Enjoy!
Navajo Accents is a bit like an on-line trading post catering to the
Navajo domestic life but pleased to tickle anyone's fancy.
You won't find howling coyote cut-outs (we hear the real ones at night) or Anasazi pottery
knockoffs (they are taboo) here. But if you're looking for a kinaalda greasewood stir stick
or buckskin hair tie, this is the place.
Mostly local artisans craft our inventory, and we carry nothing that might offend our elders.
Our merchandise is unique and selected with the Navajo home in mind. This means it's important
to us to keep our prices moderate, as well.
We live and work in Gallup, New Mexico on the cusp the 0ld and New West. Cathedral bells ring
across the city in the morning while drumbeats waft through the night. Muddied pick-ups carting
hay bales and sheep pull in next to polished mini vans in the Albertsons parking lot. School
starts to the smell of green chilis roasting. This is where the pow wow meets Wal-Mart. Our
own new workshop is steel, but it's fronted with a bit of log hogan, the traditional Navajo
Inside, there's pine hand harvested from the Cibola National Forest and soft flute music playing.
Virginia's couture hangs from the balcony, and visitors and artists chat quietly while children
run in and out. In the back, there's a frenzy of sewing machines and computers. Still, here, days
begin facing east with a sprinkled offering of cornmeal and a prayer for the well-being of the
holy ones, because if they are well, we are well. Days end facing the fiery west with more cornmeal
and a prayer of thanksgiving. These days have a bit of the same sweet rhythm that Ta Nas Bah's
days did. And that is our-most precious Old West but timeless offering to you--it is the Navajo
Way to walk in beauty, and create things with good thoughts and a prayer. We learned this from our
grandmothers and we pass it on to you in our merchandise and service.
We hope our pieces impart a bit of this Navajo spirit into your home.